Working in accordance to Technical and Juridical Standards and applying National, European and International Codes and Specifications, our service concerns of non-destructive examinations, local heat treatment of welding, inspectorial activities such as real expediting, plant’s inspection and executive supervision of welding.
For the execution of non-destructive examinations of welding, plant’s parts or components, we use either the most traditional methods (industrial radiography, ultrasonic inspection, thickness ultrasonic measurement, magnetic particle examination, liquid penetrant examination, eddy currents, etc) or those more innovative like computed radiography, ultrasonic C-B scan, T-scan and AUBT, UT thickness with robotic systems and probes EMAT (Electro Magnetic Acoustic Trasducer), TOFD/Phased Array, automatic (pipe-wizard type), semi-automatic SAUT and with guided waves, PEC (Pulsed Eddy Current), tecnica TECA (tangential eddy current array) with probes SHARCK, acoustic emission examination, material’s analysis or PMI, thermal infra-red inspection, video-endoscopy and so on depending on the needs and demands of clients.
The constant technological innovation of our methods and equipment allows us to offer our Customers the most evolved application of every single method requested to our Society.
"The most appropriate solutions and the interventions to be carried out are studied and put into practice with the utmost professionalism, to offer a serious and timely Service that is always constantly updated"
/ Nondestructive examinations
/ Heat treatment
/ Inspections of lines and plants
(+39) 0963 567678